Friday, November 5, 2010


We had a nice Halloween. During the day, Heather and I helped the boys paint their pumpkins and while the boys were napping, Heather and I carved our pumpkins.
Zachary (and Heather's) pumpkin
Caleb (and my) pumpkin
My carved pumpkins
Heather's pumpkin
Heather's other pumpkin
For dinner, our friends, the Thorntons, invited us over for dinner and we had delicious homemade pizza! We had a wonderful time and are so thankful we have nice friends to spend time with. After dinner, we came home and helped the kids change into their costumes. Heather decided she was "too old" to trick or treat this year, so she stayed home to pass out candy.
I tried to take Zachary trick or treating, but he wasn't sure of the whole concept just yet. He mainly wanted to run in the street. If he did go up to a house, he wouldn't hold his bag and he would try to reach in the bowl and grab a lot of candy. At one house, he dumped his bag out on the driveway. So, I ended up going home with him while Paul and Caleb went. Caleb apparently had his first big scares this year. A man was wearing a skeleton costume that apprently was made to look like a stuffed one sitting in a chair. The pretend skeleton was sitting next to a woman who was passing out candy. When Caleb went up to the lady to ask for candy, the man jumped up and terrified poor Caleb. At another house, they had some spooky decorations that made it appear that something was hiding in the bushes waiting to get you. Paul thinks it had some type of motion sensor that made the bushes shake and the lights go on and off. Caleb wanted nothing to do with that house. After Paul and Caleb got home, Heather came in and announced that she wanted to go, as she had seen many of her friends. We weren't comfortable with her going out by herself in the dark, so we told her she could on the street. That made her happy enough for this year. Next year, she plans on going with her friends.

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