Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Boys

We have A LOT of birthdays in February, so we are working on writing "Happy Birthday" I was working with Caleb while Zachary colored and pulled all the paper off the crayons. I am pretty sure Zachary even ate a bit of one of the crayons because part of it was missing.

Caleb's funny smile.

We went to the playground today and right after I took this picture, Zachary went off the side of the slide! He has never done that, I'm not sure if I distracted him or what but thankfully he was just fine.

The boys climbing a rock at the playground.

Caleb climbing on the equipment

After we came home, the ice cream truck came by. This is the first time I've let the boys get an ice cream from the truck but they seemed to really enjoy it.

While I still remember the cute way that Zachary talks, I am going to try and write down some of the things he says. I am sure that tomorrow I will think of 10 things I forgot to write down, but at least it's a start! When I sat down to write all this out, I was amazed at how many words I came up with. He knows a lot more words than I thought he did, it's just that he isn't very clear yet. These are not in any particular order other than how they popped in my head! :)

Water: wa*war

Going to bed & sleeping: ni*nide (he is trying to say night night but he drops the first t altogether and the second one comes out like a d)

hot: haaaw (again he drops the t sound and he elongates the a)
yellow: lel*low (changes the y to an l, but otherwise it's right on)
brother: buh*boo (there is almost a hint of an r but its not really there, I'm not sure how to write out an almost r sound)

sister: di*der (rhymes with sister)

baby: baay beee (the sounds are right he just draws them out a little longer)
juice: jew
ball: baw

candy: nyan*nye (nye rhymes with knee but has a y sound)

turkey: key

cheese: ee (always says it twice, ee ee when he wants cheese)

Olivia (the tv show): ee*uh

Barney: nyar*nye

girl: dull

butterfly: fuh*foo*fwy (he says it really fast, so it's hard to get it exactly right)

mommy: mom*mee

daddy: dad*dee

get down: det down

sit down: dit down
dog: dawg*gee

cat: me*ow

fish: fi*fee (rhymes with fifty. He used to say vee which rhymes with key but now he says fifee)

bird: burr
sky: dye (rhymes with hi)

sun: shun

grandma: mee maw

poppy: pop*pee (all men over 40 are poppy!)

banana: na*nuh (just like we say banana, minus the first syllable)

cow: ca*ow, moo (he draws it out to 2 syllables and then always follows it with moo!)

egg: ay (rhymes with hay)

no: nuh*oh (he draws this out to 2 syllables too. he loves to say this one!)

mine: mine

please: me

sorry: zja*shee (he always puts his ear to his shoulder when he says it too, it's so cute)

apple: bap*ple

lunchbox: bun*ba (this is another one he has to say twice, bunba! bunba! when I pick him up from pre-school he often smiles at me then runs to point to his lunchbox. I don't get a hug until we grab his lunchbox)

bottle: ba ba (by the way, he is totally off the bottle since January 21st!!)

owie: ow*wee (when he gets hurt)

bubbles & balloon (yes, they sound the same): bu boo

light: lie

mouth: maow (rhymes with now)

nose: no

eye: eye

hair & ear (they sound the same): year

poop: poop*ee (poopie)

thank you: dyan*doo

shoe: you or zjoo

sock: yok
play: pway
french fry: fwen*fwy
OK, that is all I can think of tonight!

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