Friday, March 4, 2011

Class Pictures, Easter Crafts and D-Now Weekend

The boys go to Preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 AM - 2 PM. This opportunity has been wonderful for both them and me. They love going to school and they learn so much there! In the fall, Zachary's class was very full and they had 2 teachers. Most of the kids in his class moved up to the 2 year old room at Christmas and now Zachary's class has only 3 kids. It has been so nice for him to have so few children in there. His language skills are really improving. The little girl in his class, Malaya, is Caleb's teacher's daughter. Caleb's class is fuller and his best friend is Aden. Aden is the boy sitting next to him in the camoflage shirt. Ms. Mercedes often tells me that all the little girls in his class fight over sitting next to him. The week they were learning the letter "M" Caleb brought his magic hat to school. When I went to pick him up, he was surrounded by all the little girls in his class who were smiling adoringly at him while he taught them magic tricks. The two girls I see sticking to him the most are Emerson (in the blue striped shirt) and Adeline (in the pink, purple and white stripes) Some weeks, Caleb has homework where he has to put items starting with the letter they are learning in a bag. For example, last week they had to do a "P" bag and he brough a toy pirate, a stuffed Panda bear and a purple marker. He has to stand in front of his class and tell them what he brought. This week, they had a different type of homework. They were learning about Community Helpers like police officers, paramedics, doctors, veterinarians, fire men, etc. Their homework was to write "Community Helpers" on the page, write their name and have at least one picture they cut out of a community helper.
We originally wanted to take a picture of Daddy in his police officer's uniform but weren't sure if we were going to be able to because Paul had to work late. I ended up taking this picture of a very tired Paul after the boys went to bed and we just put it on the back. Last week, our friends Kamie, Emma and James came over to make Easter crafts and play outside. The older kids painted sun catchers and the younger ones colored egg shaped picture frames. We have really been enjoying the nice weather! We don't get many nice days in Houston so we take full advantage. The kids have been having a ball playing in the backyard and horsing around with Julie. In this picture, Zachary is getting a sloppy doggie kiss.

Caleb and Julie were having so much fun playing fetch with this plastic toy.
Today we went to the park on Telge and met my friend Tracy and her 3 boys. This is Caleb & Zachary playing on the playground there.Last week, I finally took Heather shopping to use her gift cards she got at Christmas! Yes, that was really overdue. Anway, she got some t-shirts and shorts and this super-cute top! I was so happy she picked out one girly top.

Last weekend Heather went to D-Now weekend at our church, The Met. She had a very good time and apparently she even harrassed the pastor. They played a game called The Amazing Race and you got points for everything you completed on the list in a given time frame. One of the highest point items was getting Pastor Sal's autograph. One of the girls in Heather's group knows his daughter so they found out that he was at his home and the address to his house from Pastor Sal's daughter. At about 9 AM on Saturday morning, 10 giggling 8th grade girls knocked on his girl and asked for his autograph. Pastor Sal had no idea they were coming and apparently after the girls left, he put a lot of signed pieces of paper on his front step so any other kids wouldn't pester him. Some of the other things the kids had to do were jump in a pool to get $2.68 worth of change, make a 5 foot chain out of paper clips, decode a morse code Bible verse, chug 1 gallon of milk, complete a puzzle, run with a balloon under your chin, make a human pyramid, pump a stranger's gas at the gas station and fit 10 people in the same tree. She had a blast! I am really glad she enjoyed it so much. This is a picture of her group at D-Now.

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