Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fun Stuff

On Friday, Heather had her Winter Dance at school. She was super excited and looked gorgeous! She took some pictures with her phone at the dance and then we took some at our house. Her boyfriend, Jacob, did not get to go; she was a little disappointed about that. She still had a good time hanging out with her friends.

Heather and Sarah Langhoff
Heather and Erika Erwin

Sarah Mary and Erika Erwin
Heather and Paul
Heather :)
Sunday night we drove the kids out to Prestonwood Forest to see the lights. Zachary loved it! He continuously yelled "LIGHTS, LIGHTS, LIGHTS!" for about the first 30 minutes. He also yelled "FROTHY!" anytime he saw a snowman (for Frosty) and "SANTA" whenever he saw a Santa yard decoration. I think we all had a nice time seeing all the decorations. I took pictures of some of the really neat ones. Zachary didn't make it all the way home, he fell asleep in the car from all the excitement.

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