Saturday, January 29, 2011

The House & Memories

Starting last weekend, our mission has been to fix a lot of this little problem areas in our home that we ignore. The nursery was changed into a normal bedroom; no more Winnie the Pooh wallborder, no more blue ceiling and no more baby green walls! Now the ceiling is white and the walls are the pale yellow of the rest of the upstairs. It was a little difficult to change it all out, I remember picking out the paint colors and the wallpaper so clearly! I remember how excited I was and that we picked it all out while I was still in my first trimester! Being pregnant is always exciting but the first time is just so full of anticipation and joy for a whole new chapter in life.


We also finally hung Heather's new curtains and the pictures she got at Christmas in her room. Her room really is cute. We even found purple plate switches at Target that match her curtains!
We also pulled the baby gate supports out of the walls, patched up the holes and painted them. We've done a lot of touch up painting and are almost done except that we are having a hard time finding the paint for the trim pieces. We have also ordered slipcovers for the couches. I still have some more junk to go through but I have gone through some of it and even taken an old computer to a recycling place.

We also bought the XBOX Kinect and everyone loves it! Caleb has been having a ball playing Kinectimals and Heather got a dancing game that I really enjoy and Paul got a sports game. The only one who doesn't like is Zachary because he gets in everyone's way.

Heather went to a beading glass with Becky today and made a beautiful bracelet. We paid for Heather & Becky to go as a birthday present for Becky but Heather really enjoyed it too. Here is a picture of her bracelet that she made.
She is also going to have some friends spend the night tonight. Last night, Becky & Mr. Doug came over for dinner because we were celebrating Becky's birthday. I made Fettuccine Alfredo from scratch and it was awesome!
We are planning on joining the YMCA soon and are looking forward to being able to exercise regardless of the weather. I am still honoring my commitment to be a healthier me but sometimes have difficulty when it is too cold or wet outside. Last summer we were members of the YMCA and all the kids really enjoyed it. We are looking forward to doing this again.

Wednesday, January 26th, was the 10th anniversary of the day Paul and I met! TEN YEARS!! AMAZING! Friday, January 28th, was the 10th anniversary of the day I met Heather. It seems so long ago, she was so little back then. This picture was taken a few months after I met her, but it is one of the earliest ones I can find from after I met her. This was when we went to San Antonio for her 4th birthday and she was learning to skate. Such a little doll! Caleb is now 4, seems hard to believe.
Here is a picture of Heather and me in August of 2001. She and I both look so much younger! This was taken at the same Chuck E Cheese I now take the boys to!

One last picture for old time's sake, this was taken in February 2001, not too long after Paul and I met.

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