Monday, April 18, 2011

Zachary's Birthday

Heather's birthday is tomorrow, so I figured I should hurry and post Zachary's birthday! For Zachary's party this year, we just had a small family party. My parents and Paul's mom and her boyfriend, Doug, came over to help us celebrate.

Heather and my Dad put together Zachary's picnic table and BBQ Grill. Paul was thrilled that they did this so he didn't have to.
Here we all are enjoying some birthday cake.

My son insisted on wearing his bicycle helmet to eat birthday cake. Safety first!
Zachary riding his new bicycle
Caleb with his skates

Caleb was jealous of all the attention Zachary was getting and was hiding under the table. Grammy & Grandma both brought him presents too, but he opened them from his safe spot under the table.

Heather bought Zachary this cute little hat for his birthday. Zachary loves hats!
This was our present to the boys and they love it! Zachary got crazy messy, but had a lot of fun.

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