Monday, May 2, 2011


We had a very nice, but very busy Easter. The boys went with Grandma to her school on Wednesday and had an egg hunt. Zachary apparently got so many of the eggs that he had to give many of them back so the other kids could have some. He is very fast!!! On Thursday, they had an egg hunt and Easter party at their Pre-School and both Caleb and Zachary found most of the eggs. Zachary again had to give up his eggs so his classmates could have some and Caleb did this time too. Caleb even volunteered to give his golden egg to one of his friends, such a sweet boy! They made several Easter crafts as well, Caleb was even dressed as a bunny when I went to pick him up -- so cute!!!
On Good Friday, we dyed Easter eggs. Heather and I got everything set up while the boys were napping and she started her Tye Dye eggs. Caleb had 3-D Toy Story eggs (they had a wrapper you put around the egg and placed it in hot water so it would shrink on to the egg and the picture on the wrapper was 3-D). Here is Heather trying on the 3-D glasses.

The Tye Dye eggs were really pretty cool, you had concentrated colors and used the dropper to get multiple colors on the eggs. Heather really seemed to like it.
A few of her works of art:

The boys woke up ready to dye eggs and could hardly wait!

Oops! Zachary tried to do one by himself and decided throwing it on the floor was a good way to dye it.
Caleb trying on the 3-D glasses

Heather helping Caleb try a Tye Dye egg
So proud of his egg!
Saturday night, Grandpa and Grandmom stayed with us and none of us heard the Easter Bunny come visit! He is quite a sneaky little bunny. In the morning, we found these Easter baskets!

The kids enjoyed looking for their eggs.

Luckily, all the cold ones were found while they were still cold

After all the eggs were found, we ate breakfast said bye to Grandmom and Grandpa, got ready for church (and even made it to the 9:30 service!!)

We had Easter dinner with Grammy and Poppy and the kids had another egg hunt over there! Dinner was delicious! Grammy made lamb, ham, potato salad and rolls and we brought deviled eggs and cupcakes the kids made.

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