Sunday, October 3, 2010


It is hard for me to believe that I have a 4 year old little boy! I remember how anxious I was to meet him and how happy I was he came before 40 weeks because I could hardly stand all the waiting. As excited as I was, nothing could have prepared me for the intensity of the emotions that I experienced when I first held him. He was perfect!

Four years later, my little guy woke up at Grammy & Poppy's house on his birthday and they took to him to McDonalds. Then we picked him up and took him to Dewbery Farm for a morning of outdoor fun!

The fort at Dewberry Farm
This was a rope ladder on the fort that went up to the second story. I was a little nervous for Caleb to climb it, but he went all the way to the top and climbed over on to the landing on the second story! There were sandbags underneath it, but, luckily, he didn't need them.
We all started the corn maze together, but Caleb and Daddy quickly got tired of our slow pace and decided to run through instead. Grandma, Mr. Doug, Zachary and myself let Zachary take the lead. Not surprisingly, it took us at least twice as long as Caleb & Paul.
There were several of these "pillows" (what they called them at the farm) that seemed like a cross between a trampoline and a bouncy house. There were not any motors like you would have for a bouncy house, so I'm not sure how it worked. The boys had a wonderful time playing on them.
Caleb could not wait to shoot the big gun! It shot water bottles at these metal cut-outs and Caleb thought it was wonderful. He wasn't quite strong enough to do it alone, so Daddy helped.
A metal pony the boys sat on. They did offer pony rides, but they were $5 per child. We were perfectly happy for the boys to sit on the pretend pony!
This was Caleb's favorite thing he did all day -- he called it "the swing I held on to". It was like a zip line for kids. He did this over and over and over again. He is so light that a few times got stuck in the center and Paul had to give him a push to get him going again.
Caleb did not really like the rope swing, but it was pretty crowded over there.
Grandma pushing Zachary on the pipe swings.
When we left Dewberry Farm, we were all hungry and wanted to eat at Royer's Round Top Cafe. Paul had heard that they have great food and amazing pies. So, we drove out there and the restaurant was closed for antique week! :( We were not happy. We walked around trying to find somewhere to eat and finally had some pizza at a little pub with a nice outdoor seating area where a man was playing the saxophone. The pizza was only OK, but we were starving! Both boys really enjoyed eating outside and the live music.
Royer's Cafe was selling slices of their pies in front of their restaurant, so after we walked around for a little while, we did at least get to have a slice of pie. The chocolate chip pie was really good, but I suspect it would have been better if it hadn't been sitting out in the sun all day. I think the boys really enjoyed the day, we spent most of it outside and they are always happier outside!

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