Friday, July 30, 2010

Family Day

Paul is going to Washington DC next week for annual training on the IMAGE program. So, he took off today so he could hang out with us! What a nice husband. :) We went to a place in Katy called Times Square where they have bowling alley, an arcade and laser tag. They had a package deal this morning from 10 AM - 1 PM with unlimited bowling, unlimited laser tag, a $10 arcade card and lunch -- of course we did that! I forgot my camera, so I only had the one on my phone, these pictures are pretty low quality.

We played 2 games of laser tag. Caleb LOVED it! The vest was huge on him, it was so cute. Heather and I took turns watching Zachary. Even though Zachary was too little to play, he loved watching the action. We even let him run around for a little bit which he loved.
Caleb in his over-sized vest

We also bowled two games. The first game, Caleb & Heather had bumpers and I bowled a 50! You read that right, I bowled a 50 out of a possible 300. So, the next game I got bumpers and did much better. :) They had this neat little ramp thing for kids where the kids just push the ball to help it get down to the end of the lane. Before we had the ramp, it was taking about 5 minutes for Caleb's ball to make it all the way to the pins.
The ramp that Caleb put his bowl on to push to help him get it to the pins
Paul bowling, he won both games
Zachary was such a good boy, he happily watched everyone from the stroller for the whole first game and half of the second. He was fascinated with everything going on.
Heather bowling
Caleb and Zachary liked the arcade games. Zachary mainly liked the lights and there were a few games where he could hit a button and it would do something. Caleb really liked the air hockey game.

The boys were exhausted when we left at 1 PM and both fell asleep on the way home. They are happily napping right now.

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