Monday, July 26, 2010


Two posts in one day! Wow! Like all things, I'm sure I'm fascinated with my "new toy". Give me some time and I'll probably be doing well to update once a month! :) Yesterday, Heather bought herself a new comforter set and has been working very hard to clean out her room. I am so proud of all the work she did, and even more impressive, she decided to do it all on her own! She has brought down multiple bags of trash and many items to give to charity. Her room looks AWESOME! She is really into purple now and her new room reflects this. Previously, it was all pink.

Out with the old pink. . .
In with the new purple/black/white!

Heather and I also worked hard today to make Julia Child's Beef Burgandy and I have to say, it was delicious! The beef literally fell apart when touched with a fork. It is one of my favorite dishes. I am so lucky to have Heather to help me, she helped me clean the house and make dinner. I truly understand the saying "you may not have grown in my tummy, but you grew in my heart". I am so blessed to have Heather as part of my family, she is truly a magnificent young lady.

This picture was taken at Chuck E Cheese a few months after I met her. At the time, I just thought she was a cute kid. I had no idea how much important she would become to me!

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