Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I really love sweets! Cake, brownies, cookies -- I will happily eat just about any type of dessert. Given my sweet tooth, I love trying the gourmet cupcake places that have become popular. For Heather's birthday this year, she opted not to get a cake, but to get cupcakes from Crave (in Uptown Park near the Galleria). We liked them pretty well, but the chocolate ones are a bit dry. Their vanilla and red velvet are pretty tasty.

A few weeks ago, Paul and I went out to eat at the Indian restaurant, Kiran's, and drove by a cupcake place we had not seen before. This place was called Sprinkles and the line was out the door and around the building!! Ever since I saw how many people were willing to stand the awful Houston heat and humidity to get a cupcake, I've been determined to try it. Today we went! We got a chocolate cupcake w/chocolate icing (Heather's), a chocolate w/coconut icing (mine), a vanilla w/vanilla icing & sprinkles (Caleb's) and a red velvet w/cream cheese icing (Zachary's). I tried a bit of all but Heather's and they were all good, but the red velvet was my favorite. Actually, the best cupcake I've ever had was a White Chocolate Cherry cupcake from Suzy Beez on FM 1960. However, these were still pretty good. I don't think I would be willing to stand in the heat to get one though, but it was fun to try a new place. We met our friends Kamie, Emma and James there. They tried a Key Lime and Pumpkin and they seemed to really enjoy theirs as well.

There are only 4 chairs inside the bakery, so we ended up having to eat outside. At least it was shaded, but it was still pretty hot. The kids didn't seem to mind. For some reason, Zachary refused to try any of the cupcakes -- I offered him all the flavors and he didn't want it. He loves sweets like I do, so I'm really surprised.

James and Emma with their cupcakes!

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