Thursday, August 19, 2010

Farewell Ruckus Room

The Ruckus Room is a bouncy house place fairly close to my house that my boys love. We had Caleb's 2nd birthday and Zachary's 1st birthday there. It has been a great place to take the kids to play when it is too hot, too cold or rainy. Tuesday afternoon I took the kids there and saw a very sad note posted on the door, the Ruckus Room will be closing on August 29th. Not only am I sad because it is a great place to take the kids, but both my boys first real birthday parties were held here. It makes me sad :(

Pictures of the boys on Tuesday (8/17/10):

Pictures of Zachary's First Birthday Party (March 2010)

Pictures of Caleb's Second Birthday Party (October 2008)

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