Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween Fun

Yesterday, Caleb and I made Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes w/Cinnamon Cream Cheese Icing for Heather. Heather has been working really hard in her French class and her teacher sent home a wonderful note. To make sure that I had the time to spend with Caleb so he could really help, I sent Zachary with Grandma to school where he got to play in the pumpkin patch. I think both boys had fun.The cupcakes
Zachary in the pumpkin patch

That afternoon, our friends Kamie, James & Emma came over and we decorated Halloween graveyards and coffins. Emma and Caleb are probably a little too young to enjoy it this year, but I think they will like it more next year. They both decorated graveyards and they did come out really cute.
Emma and her graveyard
Caleb's Graveyard, notice the blood and bones on the side
The star of our project was Heather. She did an awesome job! She decorated a coffin and she spent a lot of time on it and it came out so well!
The beginning stages of her coffin

The finished coffin!

After our friends left, Zachary felt that he had been left out of the mess making fun, so he went into the bathroom and made his own mess for me to clean!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had fun- including Zachary!! You are such a good mommy:) Hugs!!
