Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Texans Game

Paul was given 4 tickets to the Texans game today and a parking pass It was Heather, Caleb and my first NFL game and Paul's first Texan game. I know just about nothing about football and spent most of the first quarter trying to figure out who had the ball. Of course, I was also looking at the cute baby girl in front of us whose hair stuck up and was wearing the cutest little pink outfit! We got there very early and had plenty of time to take pictures before everyone arrived.

The first half of the game was pretty interesting. Caleb and I got up several times and walked around, we cheered when everyone else cheered and he and I enjoyed looking around. However, right before halftime a man in the row in front of us, a few chairs down, had a medical emergency. Apparently he was not able to breathe. Someone told us that they gave him a shot with an epi-pen and a Benadryl shot so I assume he had some type of allergies, but those didn't help, so I don't know. One lady ran to get help and came back with no one. About half-way through half time, a police officer showed up and a manager of the stadium and they seemed to do nothing as well. A few minutes into the third quarter, some paramedics showed up and after a few minutes of talking, decided to carry him out. They didn't bring a stretcher and they carried the poor man head first down the stairs with various medics grabbing an arm or a leg. For someone who looked to be dying, it was a very dehumanizing way to carry him. His shirt was falling up since they carried him head first, his stomach was showing. It made me want to cry. Apparently they were working on him in front of the restaurants and several people came in saying they didn't think the man was going to make it. I have no idea what happened to the poor man, but I hope he is alive. I think Reliant responded horribly slowly and innappropriately to this medical emergency.

With the horrifying event above and the fact that the Texans played horribly and were losing, we left after the 3rd quarter.
Here are some pictures from before the game started
Heather and Caleb outside the stadium
Paul, Heather & Caleb before the game
Paul taking photos with his phone
Caleb's foam finger. He loved swinging this thing around and a few times I think he bumped people with it.
When the cheerleaders came out, Caleb asked for the binoculars! Crazy little boy


  1. I've never been more proud of Caleb.

  2. Wow! Pretty eventful game- I hope that man is alright. That must have been hard for you to see! Cute pictures still and looks like you all had a good time!
