Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Good/Bad Saturday

Most of our day was pretty good, we had a relaxing morning where we all stayed in our pajamas until the afternoon. We read books, played games, hung out together and generally enjoyed some time at home. I did manage to do 5 loads of laundry, which is always a plus! This evening, Paul and I dropped the kids off with his mom where they enjoyed a fun filled evening at Itz stuffing their faces and playing in the arcade!

Paul and I tried Indian food for the first time. We went to Kiran's on Westheimer and loved it! We had Paneer Tikka as an appetizer, it was really good but right at my threshold for spiciness! Paul couldn't even tell it way spicy. I ordered Navrattan Korma as my meal and it was very good, very rich and a bit spicy. I loved the flavor, but I had to eat it with Naan bread or I couldn't take the heat. Paul ordered Tandoori Chicken and it came with Apricot Biryani and oh my goodness -- that was SO GOOD! I have to try to figure out how to make the chicken and the rice here b/c it was yummy! For dessert, we ordered trio of Creme Brulee (Pistachio, Saffron & Cardamom). We had a wonderful dinner and enjoyed just hanging out together.

Now for the bad stuff. My little Zachary has a black eye and a bump on his head. We don't even know where it came from. :( My poor baby, he is always climbing on things, running into things, etc, he is so accident prone. Everytime I look at his sweet little face, I have to give him a kiss. My poor Heather has been struggling with practicing band. We've been going round and round with her for months about practicing. When she signed up for band last summer we told her that she was going to have to practice every day and that we didn't want to pay for her to be in it if she wasn't going to do it. She assured us she would practice. Two weeks ago we finally got fed up with it and told her that we were not going to remind her anymore, either she practiced her 10 minutes every day or she was out of band. She again told us that she liked band but that she didn't like to practice because she didn't like the music she had. So, I took her last weekend to buy new music. She picked it out herself and she still forgot. We gave her one more chance and of course, even after being reminded this morning to do her band, she still didn't do it. I hate seeing her so sad, but we honestly don't understand why she wanted to be in it. She hates playing her clarinet and puts it off until the last minute. Why not pick an elective she enjoys that doesn't involve an argument everyday? Sometimes, I don't like being a parent. It would be so much easier to do the "one more chance" thing again, but how would that be good for her?

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