Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Tribute to My "Sisters"

I hope the reader (assuming anyone reads this) will indulge me a little. I titled this blog "The Wilson Family", yet my post today is about 2 ladies who have never used the surname "Wilson".
Alicia sent me a picture from her Master's Graduation party on Saturday and it started me on a sentimental journey.
The picture that inspired my post today: Caleb, Zachary, Ethan, Audrey, Savannah, Misty, Kristi, Alicia.
Almost 24 years ago, I met two girls who became so special to me that they have moved beyond the meaning of the word "friend". Yes, they are definitely my friends, and two wonderful friends at that, but the word seems limiting considering the contributions we have made to one another's lives. Webster defines "friend" as "one who is attached to another by affection; one that is not hostile; a favored companion". There were times in our youth when we were a bit hostile towards one another -- the middle school years were especially difficult. It is my belief that if we were merely "friends", our relationships with one another would not have survived. Family bonds can endure more than friendship bonds; if a friendship becomes tiresome, both parties have the option of severing the tie and not looking back. Family bonds are not so easily broken, one or both parties may try to break the bond, but it won't break. Families support one another out of love and a genuine desire to want what is best for the other person. Kristi and Alicia, thanks for being part of my family and I love you gals!
I think this first one was Alicia's 15th or 16th birthday. The next picture could probably be used as blackmail material -- seems like I had some board game that required the use of pink curlers. If memory serves correctly, the picture with Daffy Duck was taken either on the way to, or on the way from a Depeche Mode concert. The last one was my senior year in high school at Spring Creek Park.
This was taken during all of our first pregnancies. Yes, we all got pregnant about the same time! Yes, I know it's weird. No, we did not plan it. I promise!
Savannah's first birthday party
This one is of Alicia and me during our second pregnancies. Same thing, yes, I know. Again, I promise it was not planned!


  1. What a sweet post- made me tear up!! You and Kris are like sisters to me!! I love you gals:)

  2. Awe that is so sweet Misty. I loved it. Love the pictures too. But I think Daffy duck is Astroworld. I don't remember ever getting to go to a depechemode concert. I would remember that lol. I know we tried to sneak into a petshop boys concert but couldn't figure out how to get past the guards lol.

  3. Hmm, was it Duran Duran? Maybe at the Rodeo? My memory is a bit fuzzy these days.

  4. Yeah I beleive we did go to duran duran. LOL. :)
