Monday, July 26, 2010

The Busy Week

My first post -- yea! This past week was exceptionally busy. On Monday, the boys and I went to the Children's Museum. Heather, being 13 and entirely too cool for such child like entertainment, decided to go to work with Grandma, where she spent most of the day filing. The boys and I had fun exploring the Children's Museum and then went out to eat at the Olive Garden. Surprisingly, both my little guys were fairly well behaved at lunch! On Tuesday, Caleb and I went to see "Jonah: A Veggie Tales Movie". Yet again, my cute OTA (Obnoxious TeenAger) opted out. Wednesday we went to Galveston where poor Heather was stung by a jellyfish. She is doing fine and thankfully it was only a small sting. Thursday Zachary had his first dentist appt! He did fairly well, though Caleb was exceptional. Caleb got his teeth cleaned and was a model patient. Of course, both boys got toys, balloons, stickers and toothbrushes from the dentist, so it was a rather fun experience for them. Hurray for pediatric dentists! Thursday afternoon we made sugar cookies and the kids had so much fun. Even Zachary got some dough in his high chair and some cookie cutters to play with. Heather was a huge help -- I couldn't have survived cookie time without her. Quite a bit of dough was consumed by all the kids, but there were still plenty of cooked cookies at the end. Friday morning we went to Gym Tots at the YMCA and Friday afternoon the boys hung out with Grammy at Chuck E Cheese while Heather and I relaxed and got a pedicure. Saturday, the kids and I saw my long lost friend Erin! I was thrilled to see her and the kids about ate themselves sick on cookies while Erin and I chatted. Saturday evening we went to the Edwards home to celebrate Alicia receiving her master's degree. The kids all had a great time and I'm hoping to get a few of the pics to post. Poor Heather held Zachary while he was eating a cupcake and both she and Zachary were covered in chocolate! Caleb, Savannah and Ethan all had quite a blast running around together while Zachary did his best to eat all the Edwards mulch and empty their bird baths of water. All in all, it was a great week!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! You finally have a blog- It looks wonderful! I love Heather's room too:)
