Thursday, August 12, 2010

Boys and Girls

I am constantly amazed at how different boys are than girls. This afternoon, I got down on the floor to play with the boys and their sense of humor is so foreign to me. They had so much fun tackling me, jumping on me and jumping over me. They especially love to give me zerberts and toot on me. What is this fascination boys have with gas and gas sounds? From birth, both boys have always cracked a smile whenever they have gas. One of Caleb's favorite toys is a whoopie cushion. Even Zachary laughs at the whoopie cushion and tries to make it work.

When Heather was little, she liked to play with her toy kitchen, pretending to make us food and bring it to us. She enjoyed playing with stuffed animals and dress up. Caleb likes to play dress up too, but he wants to be a pirate, a monster, Buzz Lightyear or a zombie. Heather dressed up as princesses, a bride, or a very refined woman having afternoon tea. Heather was relatively quiet and calm. The boys are wild, wiggly and I often think they act like monkeys. I have honestly caught Zachary hanging from the chandelier over our dining room table.

Speaking of my little monkeys, the boys were chasing one another this afternoon and Zachary fell and his face smacked into a chair. Now his sweet little face has a bruise on it. My poor little guy is constantly hurting himself. If my boys would slow down just a bit, they wouldn't get hurt nearly so much.

We have finally taught Caleb not to hit, of course he occasionally slips ups, but for the most part, he understands that hitting is not acceptable. However, it took us a long time to get to this point. Now, we are starting this journey with Zachary. I hope it doesn't take close to a year and a half like it did with Caleb. Heather really was not much of a hitter. I don't remember her doing that at all. I find it odd that my boys are both such hitters. Neither Paul nor I have ever spanked the boys, so they have not learned to hit from us (for those who do spank, I'm not saying that spanking teaches kids to hit, I'm just saying that our kids have never been hit or seen the behavior in any shape or fashion) so I'm not sure why it is something they have such a hard time with. At least once we finish with Zachary, we won't have to teach this lesson again.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Heather as a little girl.
Playing dress up.
She lined up all her stuffed animals to watch a movie with her.

1 comment:

  1. I must agree with you that boys are different than girls, but where I may not have to deal with the "monkey business" I am dealing with lots of drama! They cry about everything!! Wa- Wa Wa Wa waaaa.....
