Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Moon Dough

In my continuing quest to let the boys explore their creative sides, I decided to get the boys some Playdough. While we were at Walmart trying to decide which package to get, Heather convinced me to get the Moon Dough b/c the package says it never dries out. Let me encourage anyone else considering purchasing this stuff to pass it up. It has the texture of powdered sugar and really doesn't stick together well. Our friends Kamie, Emma and James came over to play with us and none of the kids enjoyed playing with the Moon Dough. It was just too weird. However, James did enjoy eating it. Poor little guy promptly threw it all up and we called Poison Control to make sure it wasn't toxic. Thankfully, James is just fine. I did not take any pictures of the kids with the Moon Dough because their attempt to play with it consisted of Kamie and me "helping" them do everything until they got so bored they wandered off. Playdough is much better!

Heather made us some delicious Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies yesterday! They are so good that none of us can stop eating them. She has 2 more weeks until school starts, she is not really looking forward to it.

Last Sunday, Paul's aunt Pat came to Houston and we got to have lunch with her, Becky and Doug. Zachary was a little restless but we had a great lunch. It was nice to visit with her! I wish I would have brought the camera because we do not have many pictures of Aunt Pat with the kids.

Zachary learned to say "uh oh" last week. It is so cute! He sometimes falls on purpose, just so he can say "uh oh". He has also started hitting :( When we first started putting him in the corner for hitting, he thought it was a fun game. He would run over and hit Paul and then run over to the corner, run back to Paul and smack him again and run back to the corner -- all while laughing! The novelty of the corner has worn off, he no longer thinks it is fun.

Last week, Zachary was bitten on his cheek by a mosquito and his whole face was swollen! Poor little love. It took about 3 days to go down. The first day, he couldn't even open his eye all the way.

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