Monday, August 16, 2010

Corpus Christi

We decided to have one last summer fling and we debated about whether to take the kids back to Schlitterbahn (the boys, especially Caleb, LOVED Schlitterbahn) or the beach. Heather really pushed the beach so we decided to go there. We had some reward points that covered our hotel stay and I packed us a lot of sandwich stuff , a really yummy pasta salad, various snacks and drinks. We left the house about 7 AM on Saturday morning, and after multiple potty breaks, we finally made it to our hotel. After we got settled and ate lunch, we went to the beach at the National Seashore. It was nice and I think we all had a nice time. Heather started digging a hole in the sand and Zachary kept trying to "help" her by filling the hole back in. Paul saw a fairly large crab in the water and we were all thankful that it did not decide to pinch any of us. After we had as much beach fun as we could take, we went back to the hotel. Zachary loved the hotel, it had many new things to destroy. He is going to be a demolition man when he grows up. He spent every waking second getting into something. His two favorite things were trying to break the A/C unit and dumping everything he could find in the toilet if someone happened to leave the door open.

Sunday morning we got up early and went to the beach again. We all dug huge holes in the sand, played with some shells, frolicked in the waves and got hungry and went back to the hotel for lunch. After eating, we all took naps. When we woke up, no one could decide what to do. Paul wanted Heather to go kayaking with him (you can rent kayaks at the National Seashore and kayak on the bay side) but Heather didn't want to do that. I suggested going to the mall so we could get out of the sun at least a little, but Paul and Heather weren't too excited about that. Heather only wanted to go to the beach or stay in the room. We thought about going to Port Aransas because it is a bit more touristy (the area we were in had 3 souvenir shops, a few very small restaraunts and a handful of gas stations -- it was not a touristy area. There was nothing around except the beach) but no one got really excited about that either. Paul and I did not want to go back to the beach until the late afternoon/early evening. All the while we were debating what to do, we were constantly pulling Zachary off and out of everything. Finally, we all got frustrated and decided to go home. We managed to pack up all our stuff in about 15 minutes and we headed home. Surprisingly, the kids were fine with leaving -- no one got upset.

In hindsight, Paul and I think Schlitterbahn would have been a better choice. Even though we like the beach, we are not capable of sitting there all day. Schlitterbahn offers many more choices of things to do. But, the beach was nice and we're glad we went.
A souvenir shop where you had to walk through the shark's mouth to get to the door.
My sweet boys hugging each other
Zachary entertaining us all by wearing a bucket as a hat
Heather laughing at her silly little brother while sitting in her hole that she dug

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