Thursday, May 26, 2011

Color Guard and The Beach

This is the end of the school year and the end of Middle School for Heather!!!! Unbelievable, but she will be in 9th grade at Cy-Falls High School (the same HS I went to). She has been excited about Color Guard and the try-outs were this week. On Monday, she went to a 2 hour practice session where she was taught a simple routine and got to get a feel for what it is like to twirl flags. She was mortified that I took pictures of her with my phone, but later decided it wasn't so bad because she posted the pictures on her FaceBook page and even made the close up picture her profile picture. On Wednesday, she went back for the official try-out and is now a member of the Color Guard. She is really excited, we will see if that excitement continues when she has to practice in the heat in August!

Today, Caleb, Zachary, Kamie, Emma, James and I went to Stewart Beach in Galveston. We had a very nice day and the kids loved playing in the sand and the water. At first, Zachary was terrified of the water and kept trying to run back towards the car. I sat in the very shallow water with him in my lap for a long time so that the water wasn't even touching him and eventually he decided it was fun to splash. After about an hour, he decided the water was fun and kept trying to run off into the waves. I was really hoping for a happy medium but I am glad he was having fun. On the way home, Zachary and James fell asleep almost instantly. Zachary ate a peanut butter sandwich before passing out and in the picture, you can see some peanut butter on his forehead! We had a great day.

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